产品说明: The SP150 is intended for low volume OEM's and system integrators that need a ready-to-use processor which can be easily mounted in electrical cabinets or a small NEMA enclosure,It is ideal for machine tool and process control applications for FASTAR/HYDRASTAR family transducers. It can be powered from either 115 or 230 VAC and has all user adjustments and connections available on the board.Its output is either an adjustable 0-10 V or 4-20 mA. 技术指标: 类 型:LVDT电压模块 型 号:SP100,SP150,SP200,SP300 供电电源:115 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 5.5 VA,230 VAC ±10%, 50/60 Hz, 5.5 VA 输 出:0~10VDC,4~20mA 线 性 度:0.02% 响应频率:0~15KHz 工作温度:-35~60℃ 电气连接:板装式 特 点:高频响应,工作寿命长,单向或双向输出 典型应用:与所有Fastar公司LVDT兼容 上一页